Thursday, 23 April 2009


It Ends Back To The Beggining. Back To Where It Starts. Nothing, But Just A Feeling That None Of Us Knows. Rewinded.
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100 Truths

001. Real name ? Chandra Goldie Aulia
002. Like it ? Mau gak Mau
003. Nickname(s)? Chandra, Canda (I hate this nick)
004. Status ? single
005. Zodiac sign ? Sagitarius
006. Male or female ? Male
007. Elementary ? SD Laboratorium UNESA Surabaya
008. Middle School ? SMP Negeri 115 Jakarta
009. High School ? SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta
010. Hair color ? Black
011. Long or short ? Short (I hope it could grow faster)
012. Eye color ? deep brown
013. Weight ? 45-49 kilos
014. Height ? umm..never measure it lately
015. Righty or lefty ? righty
016. Loud or Quiet ? Loud and Quiet
017. Sweats or Jeans ? Jeans
018. Phone or Camera ? both
019. Health freak ? umm..
020. Piercings ? belly..kidding
021. Do you have a crush on someone ? maybe
022. Eat or Drink ? Both
023. Purse or Backpack ? Backpack
024. Tattoos ? Freak..
025. Do You Like Yourself ? not really
026. Current worry ? myself

027. Orange or Apple Juice ? apple
028. Night or Day ? night
029. Sun or Moon ? moon
030. TV or Internet ? Internet
031. PlayStation or XBox? PlayStation
032. Kiss or Hug ? Hug
033. Iguana or Turtle ? Crocodile
034. Spider or Bee ? Spider
035. Fall or Spring ? Fall
036. Limewire or iTunes ? Both
037. Soccer or Baseball ? Soccer

038. First surgery ? Forgot
039. First piercing ? -
040. First best friend ? first?? dunno
041. First Sport ? Rollerblade
042. First award ? dunno
043. First crush ? I have a bad memory...forget
044. First pet ? chick
045. First big vacation ? mmm..USA
046. First big birthday ? 3 Desember 1992

047. Eating ? -
048. Drinking ? -
049. I'm about to ? answer these questions
050. Listening to ? A dull Air Conditioner
051. Singing ? -
052. Typing ? keyboard
053. Waiting for ? a girl

054. Want kids ? not sure
055. When ? not sure
056. Want to get married? I do
057. When ? not tomorrow
058. Where Do You Want To Live ? House
059. Careers in mind ? Architect, Businessman, ummm..will i have a future?
060. What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little ? Wanna be big
061. Mellow Future Or Wild? Wild
062. Something You Would Never Try ? Just guess

063. Lips or eyes ? Eyes
064. Shorter or taller? Shorter
065. Romantic or spontaneous ? spontaneous
066. Nice stomach or nice arms ? neither
067. Sensitive or loud? sensitive
068. Hook-up or relationship ? relationship
069. Trouble maker or hesitant ? hesitant
070. Hugging or Kissing ? Hugging
071. Tan Skinned or Light ? OK both
072. Dark or Light Hair ? Dark
073. Muscular or Normal ? Normal

074. Lost glasses/contacts ? Yes
075. Ran away from home ? almost
076. Held a gun/knife for self defense ? dumb
077. Killed somebody ? nope
078. Broken someone's heart ? yes
079. Been arrested ? no
080. Cried when someone died ? yes
081. Kissed A Stranger ? dumb
082. Climbed Up A Tree ? of course
083. Liked A Friend As More Than A Friend ? yes, several times

084. Yourself ? am i real??
085. Miracles ? yes
086. Love at first sight ? dunno
087. Heaven ? Yes
088. Santa Claus ? no
089. Kiss on the first date ? dumb

090. Is there one person you want to be with right now ? yes
091. Do You Like Someone ? yes
092. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life ? nope
093. Do you believe in God ? sure

094. Recieved/Sent Text Message ? XV gandung Sekum
095. Received Call ? XV Nabila Kakom VIII
096. Call Made ? XV Anggi Wakakomas
097. Comment On MySpace ? don't have
098. Missed Call ? +6285695382638
099. Person You Hung out With ? Perwakilan Kelas XV
100. Post as 100 truths and tag : who read
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Perwakilan Kelas XV

Miss those Memories? not yet, cause cheers and laughs are still ours. But surely one day we will lose all of these.

We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh.
Agnes Repplier (1855 - 1950), Americans and Others, 1912
We laughed so much, didn't we?
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Wednesday, 22 April 2009


Sebuah kejadian yang selalu akan gw hindari pada masa depan terjadi hari ini. ternyata penyesalan emang selalu di akhir.

JAKARTA. Rabu, 22 April 2009. CGA (16) seorang pelajar yang tengah menikmati masa liburan sekolah yang bertepatan dengan fenomena UAN SMA, pulang menaiki mobil temannya AAA (16). Setelah sampai di tulodong, AAA menurunkan CGA yang rumahnya terletak pada daerah tebet. AKI, yang merupakan supir setia AAA berpesan kepada CGA, "kalo dari sini naik 57 atau __ aja."

CGA turun dari Jazz Biru berplat nomor B 8880 GR milik AAA. dilihatnya kekanan mobil-mobil bersliweran, satu per satu metromini berlalu, dan tak kerap muncul metromini dengan angka 57.

setelah hampir putus asa menunggu 57 selama 15 menit, tiba2 metromini dengan angka 57 lewat. naiklah CGA kedalam metromini. 'malu bertanya sesat dijalan'..tiba2 kata2 itu terngiang dibenak CGA. CGA pun menghampiri kenek yang berdiri tepat di sebelahnya. Ini Lewat Pancoran Kagak? Jawaban yang tidak jelas keluar dari mulut kenek. "zzznzggnng..mayasari..turun disini aja".

CGA berpikir "gw baru naik kok disuruh turun? orang ini belum di tebet. geblek apa ya? orang gw bener naik 57."

"znngzngnzgn..mayasari..salah naik..zznzgnzgn..turun sini aja"

"ooh" sembari menganggukkan kepala. "jadi ini lewat tebet gak?"
keliatannya si kenek udah mulai emosi

"zznnzgngn..mayasari..turun sini..salah naik..zzngngznng..yaudah, turun"

"ooh, salah naik? jadi yang ke tebet apa?" dengan penasaran CGA bertanya

"mayasari, dibelakang ada kok"

semua menjadi clear bagi CGA. awalnya CGA mengira mayasari adalah suatu daerah tempat ia harus turun dari metromini itu.

"bayar berapa nih bang?"

"gak usah! kamu salah naik. kamu turun aja sekarang!"

"oh..iya bang" CGA merasa bersalah telah membuat si kenek baik hati buruk mulut itu sudah marah2. memang kesalahan terletak pada penjelasan si kenek. CGA bukanlah anak jalanan yang mengetahui apa itu mayasari.

"eh, Apa itu mayasari?" CGA rupanya masih belum mengetahui maksud si kenek.
Mayasari itu kendaraan? merek metromini? atau semacam Perempuan yang bisa dinaiki? (astaghfirullah)

CGA hanya melihat ke kiri dan kanan mencari tulisan mayasari. tiba2 ada 57 lagi yang lewat. tujuannya ternyata berbeda, ada yang pulogadung-(apa gitu) dan satu lagi. yang dimaksud oleh AKI adalah yang pulogadung.

Aahh, mungkin ini 57 yang bener. saat hampir menaiki metromini, CGA pun akhirnya mengerti apa itu mayasari..ternyata 57 yang memiliki rute pulogadung-(gak tahu) memiliki cap MAYASARIBAKTI.

30 menit berlalu dan mayasari baru beranjak dari Tulodong hingga blok S. ANRIT! MACET BANGET!!!

dalam 30 menit, Si mayasari telah terinjak lebih dari 75 pasang kaki. akan sepadat apakah dia?
Ternyata nightmare datang menghampiri CGA yang berdiri didekat pintu keluar. lebih dari 100 orang telah memasuki metromini ini. dan keadaan jadi tidak terkendali. orang2 yang ingin masuk pun akhirnya harus mendorong orang2 yang berdiri diambang pintu untuk memaksa mereka masuk. orang2 yang berada diluar hanya bisa bengong. beberapa mulut diluar metromini mengucapkan kata2 "gila, maksa banget sih?", "masyaAllah", "Sinting", dll. Memang maksa, memang sinting. inilah fenomena yang baru CGA sadari tentang kerasnya kehidupan di Jakarta. Kebutuhan hidup yang tidak diimbangi dengan kesadaran pemerintah menjadikan rakyatnya berfikir tidak kritis yang tidak disertai dengan akal sehat. Manusia telah kehilangan kesadaran dan rasa peduli terhadap sesama. seorang ibu2 dibiarkan bergelantung pada pintu metromini sedangkan kursi diisi semuanya oleh laki2.
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Sunday, 19 April 2009

Need Money!!

Setiap kali orang lihat dompet coklat gw yang berlabelkan bally, orang itu bakal langsung ngomong "anjrit, duit lo banyak banget chan!". gw hanya tersenyum dan berkata, "700 ribu duit buat bayaran sekolah 2 bulan belum gw bayar2, duit jajan gw sisanya".
"Oh, gitu ya? hehe..".
"iya, hehe juga"

Uh, kayanya bukan cuma dunia doang yang lagi mengalami krisis. Gw juga lagi krisis dalam segala hal. Krisis duit, krisis kesenangan, krisis ketenangan, krisis segala macam. Tapi emang kayanya gw lagi dapet cobaan fiskal deh.

Gw bingung mau jualan apaan. kagak punya barang bagus yang bisa dijual, dan gak punya keahlian untuk dijadiin jasa. Padahal gw lagi nabung untuk membeli sesuatu. hhh..

Mulai senin gw bakal sering keluar rumah, namun sepertinya gw gak bakala dikasih duit jajan sama nyokap gw. Shit, semakin berkurang aja persediaan duit gw..
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Saturday, 18 April 2009

I am 66% Mentally ill.

[ ] You have screamed at an inanimate object for 'hurting you.'
[x] You have run into a glass/screen door.
[x] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle.
[x] You have thought of something funny and laughed, and then people gave you weird looks.
[ ] You have run into a tree/bush.
[ ] You have been called a blonde.

subtotal: 3

[x] You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow.
[ ] You just tried to lick your elbow.
[x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star had the same melody.
[ ] You just sang them to make sure.
[x] You have tripped on your own feet.
[x] You have choked on your own spit.

subtotal: 7

[x] You have seen the Matrix and still don't get it.
[x] You type with three fingers or less.
[x] You have accidentally caught something on fire.
[ ] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went into your nose
[x] You have caught yourself drooling.

subtotal: 11

[x] You have fallen asleep in class.
[ ] Sometimes you just stop thinking.
[x] Sometimes when you are telling a story you forget what you are talking about.
[ ] People often shake their heads and walk away from you
[ ] You are often told to use your 'inside voice'

subtotal: 13

[x] You use your fingers to do simple math.
[x] You have eaten a bug accidentally
[ ] You are taking this test when you should be doing something more important.
[x] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn't realize it.
[x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand/pocket the whole time.

subtotal: 17

[ ] You have posted bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen if you don't.
[x] You break a lot of things.
[x] You tilt your head when you're confused.
[x] You have fallen out of your chair before.
[ ] When you're lying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture on the ceiling.
[x] The word "um" is used frequently.
[ ] You don't know what "um" means.
[x] You say "what" and "huh" a lot.
[ ] You plan to use a calculator to multiply your score for this bulletin.


Total: 22

NOW, take your total, and multiply it by 3
and re-post as: I am --% Mentally ill.
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Ada beberapa jokes yang bikin gw ngakak terbahak-bahak sampe malemnya gw berak-berak. haha..

mungkin gw bakal pake nama orang lain dalam cerita ini. maaf jika ada kesamaan nama dan membuat tersinggung, ini hanya untuk kepuasan pribadi semata. haha..

Astra, a man who is known as the meanest and most impolite person in Jakarta, made himself hated by people in the city. One day, M. Maulidhi Hashfi came to Class with his pet, a duck.

Astra : Hey, why are you bringing that ugly pig?
Hashfi : Are you blind? It's a duck! not a pig?
Astra : I'm not talking to you! I'm talking to the duck!

hahaha..parah, keterlaluan nih gw. tapi gak apa2 deh, udah ada permintaan maaf diatasnya. hahaha..

Jokes yang kedua (tanpa perubahan)

Before entering Heaven or Hell, people make a line to the boundaries between heaven and Hell. People must prove their identity to the guard.

Einstein : I'm Einstein, Albert Einstein.
Guard : Albert Einstein? Albert that made the Ralativity theory?
Einstein : Yes, of course!
Guard: Prove it!

Einstein got a Chalk and a Blackboard. For some minutes, he suceed to arrange the Relativity Theory.

Guard : OK, you can pass

Leonardo Da Vinci got the chance

LDV : Leonardo Da Vinci
Guard : Prove it!

The Guard Gave Da Vinci a canvas, pallete and other art instrument. not so long, monalisa's face is painted in the canvas

Guard : you may pass

Next is George W. Bush
GWB : George Walker Bush
Guard : Einstein had proved his identity by Arranging the Relativity Theory, Da Vinci proved his identity by painting Monalisa, give me some prove that you are George Walker Bush!
GWB : Who the Hell is Einstein and Da Vinci?
Guard : you may pass

sekian, bingung mau nulis apa lagi.
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kata orang, "kalau ingin melupakan seseorang sibukkanlah dirimu". lah, kalau kita lagi gak ada kerjaan? ujung2nya juga keinget. emang hidup selalu ada kerjaan? ckck..

kata orang lain, " jangan berniat untuk ngelupain, malah tambah keinget". emang bener sih tambah keinget..cuma ternyata ada lanjutan, "lo inget2 aja, nanti juga lupa".
bodohnya..sekarang bayangin, lo pake celana, ternyata reseletingnya kebuka-buka sendiri. apakah kalau lo buka dia bakal nutup2 sendiri?
(to) lol

Kata orang yang selanjutnya, "udah, jangan diinget-inget manisnya" iya..sakit kalau nginget manisnya. "inget2 aja masa pahit lo sama dia!" geblek, makin menderita!!
(gob) lol<. hahahaha...maksa

Mungkin cara yang lebih ampuh daripada cara yang diatas adalah dengan merubah pikiran lo terhadap orang itu..jangan berpikir dia bisa menjadi orang yang terus special dan ada buat lo, jangan juga membuat diri lo berpikiran negatif dan malah benci sama orang ini. Lo bisa nerima dia sebagai orang lain dalam hidup lo kan? emang keliatannya gak segampang yang gw tuliskan, tapi daripada lo buang orang dulu pernah jadi orang terdekat lo. mending jadikan dia sebagai orang yang deket lagi kan?
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You will agree with me

Long time no post. Well..I was waiting for a interesting to pop (not poop) out to my boring life, but it seems that nothing had came. Maybe I'll just post about this boring situation.

Well, I'll describe how my life goes in an ordinary day.
Wake up
Sleep again
Get in to the Car
Arrive at School
Talk with Friends
Go to the most unboring thing in my Life, my organization (PK)
Hang Out (sometimes), Take Science Course (Tuesday and Thursday)
get back home
lock myself in my room
open my facebook account
go downstairs to take dinner
get myself back to my room
Lock the door and back to my laptop
Nothing to do again.....sleep.

You know the worst part? I kinda get so far from my family. I only met them in Breakfast, Dinner, and weekends. It's a horrible thing that's hard to resist. Several times I had a will to change my bad behaviour, but it only took an hour to break it down.

Boring isn't it? Yeah..I bet you agree with me.
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